
时间:2024-06-14 12:01:24 童话故事 我要投稿





  One day, piggy was watching TV at home. He saw it on TV: "everyone wants to have ideals." Chubby thought, "what am I going to do? Ah! By the way, I'm a good athlete. A gold medal hanging around the neck, a trophy in hand - what an air! But the athlete is too laborious, run all day, jump, make all body is sweat, how bad ah! I...... I'm not an athlete!

  "By the way, I'm a singer! Yes, singers don't have to work hard. But it's too easy to sing. It's always the same.
  Suddenly he saw his hoof. "hey, how beautiful my feet are! Or I'll be a dancer! I'm going to dance ballet, I'm going to dance swan lake! But the dancer was so tired that she had to lie down all day!"
  "That...... Then I'll... Hey, I think these dry what, what ideal not ideal, eat full, drink enough, get!" Chubby shifted his butt, buttoned his mouth, and fell asleep on the sofa.
  Children, we can't learn fat. Want to know, won't flower strength, ideal is equal to zero!


  Once upon a time, there was a small mountain village with beautiful scenery. There lived a happy monkey in the village. In front of the village, there is a clear river, and the water of the river flows slowly all the year round. There is a tall peach tree on the other side of the river. At harvest time, the big, round peaches were full of branches, as if they were smiling and nodding to people.
  When the monkey came out of the house, he saw the peach and his mouth watered. So he decided to cross the river and pick the peaches.
  After eating one after another, he had to move back home. At home, he thought, I will go to the river to eat a peach every day. Otherwise, I will take all the peaches home at once and put them on slowly. If that were the case, the other animals would not eat. 2 come: also can save a bit of strength, why the lifelong life so tired?
  The monkey had been busy for days and nights and was exhausted. Finally, all the peaches were taken home.
  At first, he was grinning from ear to ear. Thought: still my method is clever. The days passed. Little by little, little by little, a bad smell came and the monkey looked around. "Why are all the peaches rotting away, and coming out of the black and dirty water? It seems that I can only go hungry this winter. My hard-earned winter food is gone.
  So the monkeys starved and froze for a winter. One day, he walked out of the house and was surprised to find that the peach tree was blossoming and he was excited and excited. Hoping for the peach tree fruit every day.
  Finally, the peach tree bears a delicious peach. The monkey thought: this time I can't make the same mistake again, I want to dig out the peach tree and take it home.
  That's what it thinks, and that's what it does. The monkey was smug: I can't believe I'm a stupid monkey. The more life experience, the richer!
  The sun and the moon shine like an arrow. The monkey counted the peaches from the tree and carried out the five plans each day. He ate and ate, and the peaches fell from under the tree and rolled around on the ground. The monkey thought it was football and was just playing. "Wow," he cried. "how did that happen? How come I can't get what I want every time?" He hugged his head and began to cry and said, "one day I will find out what is in the middle of this."
  That's all. The winter is coming. This self - righteous monkey, miserable to live. Think: can its foolish ideas lead to a happy life? To achieve happiness, we must do the work in accordance with objective laws. You can't be like a monkey, and you're wasting your energy and time. You end up with nothing.


  One day a rabbit was walking near the hill. He heard someone crying,‘Help! Help!’It was a wolf. A big stone was on the wolfs back. He cried, "Mr. Rabbit, take this big stone from my back, or I will die."

  The Rabbit moved the stone from the wolfs back. Then the wolf jumped and caught the rabbit.

  “If you kill me, I will never help you again.” Cried the rabbit . “Ha,ha!You will not live, because I will kill you." said the wolf.

  ‘I helped you. How can you kill me? It’s unfair. You ask Mrs. Duck. She will say that you are wrong." said the rabbit. “I will ask her,” said the wolf.

  So they went to ask Mrs. Duck. The duck listened to their story and said,” What stone? I must see it. Then I can know who is right. “So the wolf and the rabbit and the duck went to see the stone.

  "Now, put the stone back," said Mrs. Duck. So they put the stone back. Now the big stone is on the wolf’s back again.

  That’s all for my story. Thanks for listening.


  一天,兔子先生正在山坡附近遛哒,他听到有人在呼救:“救命呀!救命呀!”他这边瞧瞧,那边望望,他发现了可怜的狼先生,一块大石头掉下来压在狼先生的背上,他起不来了。他喊道:“兔先生,把这块大石头从我背上搬开,要不然我会死的.。”兔子好不容易把大石头从狼背上搬开,这时,狼跳起来,把兔子叼在嘴里。“如果你吃了我,”兔子叫喊着,“只要我还活着,我再也不帮你的忙了。” “你不会活了,”狼说,“因为我要吃了你了。” “好人是不会杀救过他命的恩人的,”兔子说,“这很不公平,你去问鸭子夫人,她很胖,她样样事情都通晓,她一定会说没有一个好人会干出这种事情来。” “我去问她”,于是,狼和兔子到了鸭子家。狼说:“当兔子先生在山坡附近坐下时,我抓住了他,因此,我要吃掉他。现在你来谈谈你是怎样想的吧。” “我从他的背上搬开好大的一块石头,”兔子说,“因此,我说他不应该吃掉我,因为我救了他。现在你说说你的看法吧。” “什么石头?”鸭子夫人问。“山附近一块石头,”兔子说。“我必须去看看,”鸭子说,“如果我连那块石头也没有看见,那我怎么说得出我的看法?”于是,狼、兔子和鸭子一起去看那块石头。现在你知道结果是什么了。


  Chapter 1

  Once upon a time, there was a rich Emperor. He lived in a big castle and had many servants. The emperor loved good music and good food. But most of all, he loved good clothes. He had different clothes for every day of the week, and different clothes for every hour of the day.

  On his birthday, he always asked for new shirts, new pants and new shoes. And that’s what he always got.

  One day, two poor men named Buster and Clyde came to the emperor’s city. They wanted to make money in the city, but they didn’t want to work hard. They heard some townspeople talking about the emperor. The Emperor will hold another parade tomorrow.

  Oh really? I wonder what he will be wearing. Excuse me. What did you say about a parade?

  Our emperor loves new clothes. When he gets a new suit, he has a parade. Then everyone in the city can see his nice, new clothes. I see. Thank you. Hey Clyde, did you hear that? Hear what?

  The emperor loves new clothes. I have a great idea. We can make lots of money. What’s your idea? We will pretend to betailors. We will tell the emperor that we can make magic clothes.

  Only smart and hard working people can see the magic clothes. If someone can’t see them, then they must be stupid or lazy.

  But Buster, we don’t know how to make clothes. That’s the best part. We only pretend to make clothes. No one will be able to see them, but everyone will be afraid to say anything. If they say they can’t see the clothes, all their friends will think they are stupid. Even the emperor will say he can see the clothes. He doesn’t want people to think he is stupid.

  We’ll be rich! Wow! That’s a great idea.

  Chapter 2

  The next day, they went to see the emperor. Good morning, your majesty. I am Buster, and this is my partner, Clyde.

  We are the greatest tailors in the world. We use the best silks and jewels to make the most beautiful clothes. But our clothes are also very special. The cloth is magic. Only smart, talented people can see it. People who are stupid or lazy cannot see the clothes at all.

  Is this true? Are your clothes really magical? Oh yes, your majesty. We made a suit for the king of France. Ten of his advisors could not see the suit. So he found ten new advisors who could see it.

  Amazing! I must have a magic suit, too. You may begin today. But your majesty, we need money. We must buy the silk for your new clothes. And we need a big loom to weave the cloth and sewing tools to sew the clothes. You may have as much as you need. Here are two bags of gold. If you need more, please tell me.

  The emperor gave buster and Clyde a sewing room in his castle. He gave them a big loom to weave the cloth and sewing tools to sew the clothes.

  Buster and Clyde took the emperor’s gold and hid it in their bags. Then they pretended to buy silk for the emperor’s new clothes. The next morning, they pretended to set up the loom and weave cloth.

  Whenever anyone looked into their room, they saw the tailors busy at the loom. No one could see the clothes, but everyone was afraid to look stupid. So they all pretended to see the beautiful clothes.

  Soon, everyone in the castle was talking about the tailors and their wonderful clothes. A few days later, the emperor wanted to know how the new tailors were doing. So he sent one of his advisors to check on them.

  Good morning, gentlemen. How is everything? Good morning, sir. Everything is very well. We have started weaving already. Would you like to see?

  Yes, I would. Um, is this the loom you are working with? Yes, it is.

  Isn’t the color wonderful? We were lucky to find such good silk.

  The advisor was very confused. He looked all over the loom for the cloth. But of course, he couldn’t see anything at all. He didn’t want anyone to think he was stupid or lazy, so he pretended to see the cloth.

  Oh yes!Very nice, very nice. Indeed. The emperor will be very happy when he sees it. This will make a wonderful suit.

  Would you please tell the emperor that we need more money? We need to buy gold thread for his new clothes. Yes, I will. I’ll tell him today.

  That afternoon, the advisor went to see the emperor. He was afraid to say he couldn’t see the cloth. So he made something up. Advisor, how do my new clothes look? They are beautiful, your majesty. I have never seen such wonderful cloth before.

  What color is it? Um, color? Well, it’s, um, … blue, your majesty. Blue! I love blue. This will be my most beautiful suit. One more thing, the tailors said they need more money. They need to buy gold thread for your new clothes. Here are two more bags of gold. Please give them to the tailors right away.

  The advisor gave the gold to buster and Clyde. They hid the gold in their bags and pretended to buy gold thread. Then they pretended to buy gold thread. Then they pretended to weave cloth and sew clothes with the gold thread.

  A few more days passed, and the emperor sent another advisor to check on the tailors. Good morning, gentlemen. How is the new suit coming along? Good morning, ma’am. We have been working very hard. We are almost done weaving the cloth.

  Then we can begin to cut out the pieces. Would you like to see? Yes, I would. Buster pretended to hold up p piece of cloth. The advisor looked at buster’s hands.

  But of course, she could not see any cloth. She didn’t want anyone to think she was stupid or lazy, so she pretended to see the cloth.

  Oh, my. This is very nice. The emperor will be so happy with his new suit. Would you please tell the emperor that we need more money? We need to buy silver trim for his new clothes. Yes, I will. I’ll tell him today. That afternoon, the advisor went to see the emperor.

  She was afraid to say she couldn’t see the cloth. So she made something up. Advisor, how do my new clothes look? You will be very happy, your majesty. Red is your best color. Red? I thought the suit was blue. Oh, I mean, the lining is red.

  They were weaving the lining when a saw them. Blue with a red lining. This truly will be my most beautiful suit. One more thing, the tailors said they need more money. They need to buy silver trim for your new clothes.

  Here are two more bags of gold. Please give them to the tailors right away.

  The advisor gave the gold to buster and Clyde. They hid the gold in their bags and pretended to buy silver trim. Then they pretended to cut the silk cloth and sew silver trim onto the clothes.



  An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away.

  The old man is very angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!” the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work. You should know you are old, too.”


  Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eight legs. He doesn’t look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets a shark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth. Sam runs away quickly. Sam is tired and hungry. He wants to have a rest. Then he sees a round fish. She says to him. “Hello! Would you like to be my friend?” Sam answers: “Of course! But you are sound. I am flat.” The round fish days: “But we are both fishes.”

  Sam thinks and says, “You are right. Let’s be friends.” They become good friends.


  The wolf and the fox want to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't easy to catch him.

  One day the wolf says to the fox, "You go home and lie1 in bed. I'll tell the rabbit that you are dead2. When he comes to look at you, you can jump up and catch him." That's a good idea," says the fox.

  The fox goes home at once. The wolf goes to the rabbit's house and knocked3 at the door. "Who is it?" asks the rabbit. "It's the wolf. I come to tell you that the fox is dead." Then the wolf goes away.

  The rabbit goes to the fox's house. He looked in through the window and sees the foxlying4 in bed with his eyes closed5. He thinks, "Is the fox really dead or is hepretending6 to be dead? If he's not dead, he'll catch me when I go near him." so hesaid7, "The wolf says that the fox is dead. But he doesn't look like a dead fox. The mouth of a dead fox is always open." When the fox hears this, he thinks, "I'll show him that I'm dead." So he opened his mouth.

  The rabbit knows that the fox isn't dead, and he rans away quickly.


  Once upon a time, there was a man named Naboth, who had a very nice vineyard. Heinherited1 the vineyard from his father, he got a lot of money from it.

  One day the king passed by the vineyard, he found the yard was so beautiful that he wanted to have it. So he went to Naboth and asked, "Would you sell the whole vineyard to me? I can pay you some money." "I'm very sorry. It is a heritage2 of my family, I can't give it to you at any price," said Naboth. The king told her the story. The queen said, "You forget you are the king! Let me teach you how get it. You can make Naboth an office, then find an excuse and sentence him to death." The king did what the queen said, Naboth died and the king got the vineyard.

  When God learned3 about this, he was very angry and said, "The king must be eaten by dogs, and the queen must be eaten by big birds. They are not good people, they take the things which are not theirs." At last, people found the king and the queen were dead when they went out for a picenic.


  I am in desperate need of help -- or Ill go crazy. Were living in a single room -- my wife, my children and my in-laws. So our nerves are on edge, we yell and scream at one another. The room is a hell.

  Do you promise to do whatever I tell you? said the Master gravely.

  I swear I shall do anything.

  Very well. How many animals do you have?

  A cow, a goat and six chickens.

  Take them all into the room with you. Then come back after a week.

  The disciple was appalled. But he had promised to obey! So he took the animals in. A week later he came back, a pitiable figure, moaning, Im a nervous wreck. The dirt! The stench! The noise! Were all on the verge of madness!

  Go back,said the Master, and put the animals out.

  The man ran all the way home. And came back the following day, his eyes sparkling with joy. How sweet life is! The animals are out. The home is a Paradise, so quiet and clean and roomy!


  A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he espied something shinning amid the straw.

  "Ho! ho!" quoth he, "that's for me," and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw. What did it turn out to be but a Pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard?

  "You may be a treasure," quoth Master Cock, "to men that prize you, but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn than a peck of pearls."

  Precious things are for those that can prize them.


  A wolf wanted to eat the sheep, but he was afraid of the vigilant shepherd and his dogs.

  One day the wolf found the skin of a sheep. He put it on and walked among the sheep.

  A lamb thought that the wolf was its mother because his skin looked like hers. So it followed the wolf.

  Soon after they had left the dogs, the wolf came at the lamb and ate it up. For some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty meals.


The Little Green Frog

  In a part of the world whose name I forget lived once upon a time two kings, called Peridor and Diamantino. They were cousins as well as neighbours, and both were under the protection of the fairies; though it is only fair to say that the fairies did not love them half so well as their wives did.

  Now it often happens that as princes can generally manage to get their own way it is harder for them to be good than it is for common people. So it was with Peridor and Diamantino; but of the two, the fairies declared that Diamantino was much the worst; indeed, he behaved so badly to his wife Aglantino, that the fairies would not allow him to live any longer; and he died, leaving behind him a little daughter. As she was an only child, of course this little girl was the heiress of the kingdom, but, being still only a baby, her mother, the widow of Diamantino, was proclaimed regent. The Queen-dowager was wise and good, and tried her best to make her people happy. The only thing she had to vex her was the absence of her daughter; for the fairies, for reasons of their own, determined to bring up the little Princess Serpentine among themselves.

  As to the other King, he was really fond of his wife, Queen Constance, but he often grieved her by his thoughtless ways, and in order to punish him for his carelessness, the fairies caused her to die quite suddenly. When she was gone the King felt how much he had loved her, and his grief was so great (though he never neglected his duties) that his subjects called him Peridor the Sorrowful. It seems hardly possible that any man should live like Peridor for fifteen years plunged in such depth of grief, and most likely he would have died too if it had not been for the fairies.

  The one comfort the poor King had was his son, Prince Saphir, who was only three years old at the time of his mother's death, and great care was given to his education. By the time he was fifteen Saphir had learnt everything that a prince should know, and he was, besides, charming and agreeable.

  It was about this time that the fairies suddenly took fright lest his love for his father should interfere with the plans they had made for the young prince. So, to prevent this, they placed in a pretty little room of which Saphir was very fond a little mirror in a black frame, such as were often brought from Venice. The Prince did not notice for some days that there was anything new in the room, but at last he perceived it, and went up to look at it more closely. What was his surprise to see reflected in the mirror, not his own face, but that of a young girl as lovely as the morning! And, better still, every movement of the girl, just growing out of childhood, was also reflected in the wonderful glass.

  As might have been expected, the young Prince lost his heart completely to the beautiful image, and it was impossible to get him out of the room, so busy was he in watching the lovely unknown. Certainly it was very delightful to be able to see her whom he loved at any moment he chose, but his spirits sometimes sank when he wondered what was to be the end of this adventure.

  The magic mirror had been for about a year in the Prince's possession, when one day a new subject of disquiet seized upon him. As usual, he was engaged in looking at the girl, when suddenly he thought he saw a second mirror reflected in the first, exactly like his own, and with the same power. And in this he was perfectly right. The young girl had only possessed it for a short time, and neglected all her duties for the sake of the mirror. Now it was not difficult for Saphir to guess the reason of the change in her, nor why the new mirror was consulted so often; but try as he would he could never see the face of the person who was reflected in it, for the young girl's figure always came between. All he knew was that the face was that of a man, and this was quite enough to make him madly jealous. This was the doing of the fairies, and we must suppose that they had their reasons for acting as they did.

  When these things happened Saphir was about eighteen years old, and fifteen years had passed away since the death of his mother. King Peridor had grown more and more unhappy as time went on, and at last he fell so ill that it seemed as if his days were numbered. He was so much beloved by his subjects that this sad news was heard with despair by the nation, and more than all by the Prince.

  During his whole illness the King never spoke of anything but the Queen, his sorrow at having grieved her, and his hope of one day seeing her again. All the doctors and all the water-cures in the kingdom had been tried, and nothing would do him any good. At last he persuaded them to let him lie quietly in his room, where no one came to trouble him.

  Perhaps the worst pain he had to bear was a sort of weight on his chest, which made it very hard for him to breathe. So he commanded his servants to leave the windows open in order that he might get more air. One day, when he had been left alone for a few minutes, a bird with brilliant plumage came and fluttered round the window, and finally rested on the sill. His feathers were sky-blue and gold, his feet and his beak of such glittering rubies that no one could bear to look at them, his eyes made the brightest diamonds look dull, and on his head he wore a crown. I cannot tell you what the crown was made of, but I am quite certain that it was still more splendid than all the rest. As to his voice I can say nothing about that, for the bird never sang at all. In fact, he did nothing but gaze steadily at the King, and as he gazed, the King felt his strength come back to him. In a little while the bird flew into the room, still with his eyes fixed on the King, and at every glance the strength of the sick man became greater, till he was once more as well as he used to be before the Queen died. Filled with joy at his cure, he tried to seize the bird to whom he owed it all, but, swifter than a swallow, it managed to avoid him. In vain he described the bird to his attendants, who rushed at his first call; in vain they sought the wonderful creature both on horse and foot, and summoned the fowlers to their aid: the bird could nowhere be found. The love the people bore King Peridor was so strong, and the reward he promised was so large, that in the twinkling of an eye every man, woman, and child had fled into the fields, and the towns were quite empty.

  All this bustle, however, ended in nothing but confusion, and, what was worse, the King soon fell back into the same condition as he was in before. Prince Saphir, who loved his father very dearly, was so unhappy at this that he persuaded himself that he might succeed where the others had failed, and at once prepared himself for a more distant search. In spite of the opposition he met with, he rode away, followed by his household, trusting to chance to help him. He had formed no plan, and there was no reason that he should choose one path more than another. His only idea was to make straight for those spots which were the favourite haunts of birds. But in vain he examined all the hedges and all the thickets; in vain he questioned everyone he met along the road. The more he sought the less he found.

  At last he came to one of the largest forests in all the world, composed entirely of cedars. But in spite of the deep shadows cast by the wide-spreading branches of the trees, the grass underneath was soft and green, and covered with the rarest flowers. It seemed to Saphir that this was exactly the place where the birds would choose to live, and he determined not to quit the wood until he had examined it from end to end. And he did more. He ordered some nets to be prepared and painted of the same colours as the bird's plumage, thinking that we are all easily caught by what is like ourselves. In this he had to help him not only the fowlers by profession, but also his attendants, who excelled in this art. For a man is not a courtier unless he can do everything.

  After searching as usual for nearly a whole day Prince Saphir began to feel overcome with thirst. He was too tired to go any farther, when happily he discovered a little way off a bubbling fountain of the clearest water. Being an experienced traveller, he drew from his pocket a little cup (without which no one should ever take a journey), and was just about to dip it in the water, when a lovely little green frog, much prettier than frogs generally are, jumped into the cup. Far from admiring its beauty, Saphir shook it impatiently off; but it was no good, for quick as lightning the frog jumped back again. Saphir, who was raging with thirst, was just about to shake it off anew, when the little creature fixed upon him the most beautiful eyes in the world, and said, 'I am a friend of the bird you are seeking, and when you have quenched your thirst listen to me.'

  So the Prince drank his fill, and then, by the command of the Little Green Frog, he lay down on the grass to rest himself.

  'Now,' she began, 'be sure you do exactly in every respect what I tell you. First you must call together your attendants, and order them to remain in a little hamlet close by until you want them. Then go, quite alone, down a road that you will find on your right hand, looking southwards. This road is planted all the way with cedars of Lebanon; and after going down it a long way you will come at last to a magnificent castle. And now,' she went on, 'attend carefully to what I am going to say. Take this tiny grain of sand, and put it into the ground as close as you can to the gate of the castle. It has the virtue both of opening the gate and also of sending to sleep all the inhabitants. Then go at once to the stable, and pay no heed to anything except what I tellyou. Choose the handsomest of all the horses, leap quickly on its back, and come to me as fast as you can. Farewell, Prince; I wish you good luck,' and with these words the Little Frog plunged into the water and disappeared.

  The Prince, who felt more hopeful than he had done since he left home, did precisely as he had been ordered. He left his attendants in the hamlet, found the road the frog had described to him, and followed it all alone, and at last he arrived at the gate of the castle, which was even more splendid than he had expected, for it was built of crystal, and all its ornaments were of massive gold. However, he had no thoughts to spare for its beauty, and quickly buried his grain of sand in the earth. In one instant the gates flew open, and all the dwellers inside fell sound asleep. Saphir flew straight to the stable, and already had his hand on the finest horse it contained, when his eye was caught by a suit of magnificent harness hanging up close by. It occurred to him directly that the harness belonged to the horse, and without ever thinking of harm (for indeed he who steals a horse can hardly be blamed for taking his saddle), he hastily placed it on the animal's back. Suddenly the people in the castle became broad awake, and rushed to the stable. They flung themselves on the Prince, seized him, and dragged him before their lord; but, luckily for the Prince, who could only find very lame excuses for his conduct, the lord of the castle took a fancy to his face, and let him depart without further questions.

  Very sad, and very much ashamed of himself poor Saphir crept back to the fountain, where the Frog was awaiting him with a good scolding.

  'Whom do you take me for?' she exclaimed angrily. 'Do you really believe that it was just for the pleasure of talking that I gave you the advice you have neglected so abominably?'

  But the Prince was so deeply grieved, and apologised so very humbly, that after some time the heart of the good little Frog was softened, and she gave him another tiny little grain, but instead of being sand it was now a grain of gold. She directed him to do just as he had done before, with only this difference, that instead of going to the stable which had been the ruin of his hopes, he was to enter right into the castle itself, and to glide as fast as he could down the passages till he came to a room filled with perfume, where he would find a beautiful maiden asleep on a bed. He was to wake the maiden instantly and carry her off, and to be sure not to pay any heed to whatever resistance she might make.

  The Prince obeyed the Frog's orders one by one, and all went well for this second time also. The gate opened, the inhabitants fell sound asleep, and he walked down the passage till he found the girl on her bed, exactly as he had been told he would. He woke her, and begged her firmly, but politely, to follow him quickly. After a little persuasion the maiden consented, but only on condition that she was allowed first to put on her dress. This sounded so reasonable and natural that it did not enter the Prince's head to refuse her request.

  But the maiden's hand had hardly touched the dress when the palace suddenly awoke from its sleep, and the Prince was seized and bound. He was so vexed with his own folly, and so taken aback at the disaster, that he did not attempt to explain his conduct, and things would have gone badly with him if his friends the fairies had not softened the hearts of his captors, so that they once more allowed him to leave quietly. However, what troubled him most was the idea of having to meet the Frog who had been his benefactress. How was he ever to appear before her with this tale? Still, after a long struggle with himself, he made up his mind that there was nothing else to be done, and that he deserved whatever she might say to him. And she said a great deal, for she had worked herself into a terrible passion; but the Prince humbly implored her pardon, and ventured to point out that it would have been very hard to refuse the young lady's reasonable request. 'You must learn to do as you are told,' was all the Frog would reply.

  But poor Saphir was so unhappy, and begged so hard for forgiveness, that at last the Frog's anger gave way, and she held up to him a tiny diamond stone. 'Go back,' she said, 'to the castle, and bury this little diamond close to the door. But be careful not to return to the stable or to the bedroom; they have proved too fatal to you. Walk straight to the garden and enter through a portico, into a small green wood, in the midst of which is a tree with a trunk of gold and leaves of emeralds. Perched on this tree you will see the beautiful bird you have been seeking so long. You must cut the branch on which it is sitting, and bring it back to me without delay. But I warn you solemnly that if you disobey my directions, as you have done twice before, you have nothing more to ex

  pect either of me or anyone else.'

  With these words she jumped into the water, and the Prince, who had taken her threats much to heart, took his departure, firmly resolved not to deserve them. He found it all just as he had been told: the portico, the wood, the magnificent tree, and the beautiful bird, which was sleeping soundly on one of the branches. He speedily lopped off the branch, and though he noticed a splendid golden cage hanging close by, which would have been very useful for the bird to travel in, he left it alone, and came back to the fountain, holding his breath and walking on tip-toe all the way, for fear lest he should awake his prize. But what was his surprise, when instead of finding the fountain in the spot where he had left it, he saw in its place a little rustic palace built in the best taste, and standing in the doorway a charming maiden, at whose sight his mind seemed to give way.

  'What! Madam!' he cried, hardly knowing what he said. 'What! Is it you?'

  The maiden blushed and answered: 'Ah, my lord, it is long since I first beheld your face, but I did not think you had ever seen mine.'

  'Oh, madam,' replied he, 'you can never guess the days and the hours I have passed lost in admiration of you.' And after these words they each related all the strange things that had happened, and the more they talked the more they felt convinced of the truth of the images they had seen in their mirrors. After some time spent in the most tender conversation, the Prince could not restrain himself from asking the lovely unknown by what lucky chance she was wandering in the forest; where the fountain had gone; and if she knew anything of the Frog to whom he owed all his happiness, and to whom he must give up the bird, which, somehow or other, was still sound asleep.

  'Ah, my lord,' she replied, with rather an awkward air, 'as to the Frog, she stands before you. Let me tell you my story; it is not a long one. I know neither my country nor my parents, and the only thing I can say for certain is that I am called Serpentine. The fairies, who have taken care of me ever since I was born, wished me to be in ignorance as to my family, but they have looked after my education, and have bestowed on me endless kindness. I have always lived in seclusion, and for the last two years I have wished for nothing better. I had a mirror'--here shyness and embarrassment choked her words--but regaining her self-control, she added, 'You know that fairies insist on being obeyed without questioning. It was they who changed the little house you saw before you into the fountain for which you are now asking, and, having turned me into a frog, they ordered me to say to the first person who came to the fountain exactly what I repeated to you. But, my lord, when you stood before me, it was agony to my heart, filled as it was with thoughts of you, to appear to your eyes under so monstrous a form. However, there was no help for

  it, and, painful as it was, I had to submit. I desired your success with all my soul, not only for your own sake, but also for my own, because I could not get back my proper shape till you had become master of the beautiful bird, though I am quite ignorant as to your reason for seeking it.'

  On this Saphir explained about the state of his father's health, and all that has been told before.

  On hearing this story Serpentine grew very sad, and her lovely eyes filled with tears.

  'Ah, my lord,' she said, 'you know nothing of me but what you have seen in the mirror; and I, who cannot even name my parents, learn that you are a king's son.'

  In vain Saphir declared that love made them equal; Serpentine would only reply: 'I love you too much to allow you to marry beneath your rank. I shall be very unhappy, of course, but I shall never alter my mind. If I do not find from the fairies that my birth is worthy of you, then, whatever be my feelings, I will never accept your hand.'

  The conversation was at this point, and bid fair to last some time longer, when one of the fairies appeared in her ivory car, accompanied by a beautiful woman past her early youth. At this moment the bird suddenly awakened, and, flying on to Saphir's shoulder (which it never afterwards left), began fondling him as well as a bird can do. The fairy told Serpentine that she was quite satisfied with her conduct, and made herself very agreeable to Saphir, whom she presented to the lady she had brought with her, explaining that the lady was no other than his Aunt Aglantine, widow of Diamantino.

  Then they all fell into each other's arms, till the fairy mounted her chariot, placed Aglantine by her side, and Saphir and Serpentine on the front seat. She also sent a message to the Prince's attendants that they might travel slowly back to the Court of King Peridor, and that the beautiful bird had really been found. This matter being comfortably arranged, she started off her chariot. But in spite of the swiftness with which they flew through the air, the time passed even quicker for Saphir and Serpentine, who had so much to think about.

  They were still quite confused with the pleasure of seeing each other, when the chariot arrived at King Peridor's palace. He had had himself carried to a room on the roof, where his nurses thought that he would die at any moment. Directly the chariot drew within sight of the castle the beautiful bird took flight, and, making straight for the dying King, at once cured him of his sickness. Then she resumed her natural shape, and he found that the bird was no other than the Queen Constance, whom he had long believed to be dead. Peridor was rejoiced to embrace his wife and his son once more, and with the help of the fairies began to make preparations for the marriage of Saphir and Serpentine, who turned out to be the daughter of Aglantine and Diamantino, and as much a princess as he was a prince. The people of the kingdom were delighted, and everybody lived happy and contented to the end of their lives.


  There was once a cook named Grethel,who wore shoes with red rosettes(花结),and when she walked out with them on,she turned herself this way and that,and thought,"You certainly are a pretty girl!" And when she came home she drank,in her gladness of heart,a draught1 of wine,and as wine excites a desire to eat,she tasted the best of whatever she was cooking until she was satisfied,and said,"The cook must know what the food is like."It came to pass that the master one day said to her,"Grethel,there is a guest coming this evening;prepare me two fowls2 very daintily(讲究地,优美地)." "I will see to it,master," answered Grethel. She killed two fowls,scalded them,plucked them,put them on the spit,and towards evening set them before the fire,that they might roast. The fowls began to turn brown,and were nearly ready,but the guest had not yet arrived. Then Grethel called out to her master,"If the guest does not come,I must take the fowls away from the fire,but it will be a sin and a shame if they are not eaten directly,when they are juiciest." The master said,"I will run myself,and fetch the guest."

  When the master had turned his back,Grethel laid the spit with the fowls on one side,and thought,"Standing4 so long by the fire there,makes one hot and thirsty;who knows when they will come?Meanwhile,I will run into the cellar,and take a drink." She ran down,set a jug5,said,"God bless it to thy use,Grethel," and took a good drink,and took yet another hearty6 draught.Then she went and put the fowls down again to the fire,basted7 them,and drove the spit merrily round. But as the roast meat smelt8 so good,Grethel thought,"Something might be wrong,it ought to be tasted!" She touched it with her finger,and said,"Ah!how good fowls are!It certainly is a sin and a shame that they are not eaten directly!" She ran to the window,to see if the master was not coming with his guest,but she saw no one,and went back to the fowls and thought,"


  King mountain is a monster, and he likes to eat little animals. In winter, the king of the mountain went to hunt with a slingshot on his back. He didn't hit an animal.

  The king saw a small fish in the lake, for the other big fish were eaten by the king of the mountain. The king of the mountain saw a little bird in the woods. "Come on, he's too small to eat him." The king returned home and felt the half of the bread in his pocket. The king of the mountain cried, "how poor I am, hungry, cold, and lonely." The little bird flew in through the hole in the window. The little bird also cried, "I'm hungry, I'm cold, and I'm lonely, too." "Don't cry," said the king. "Let's eat these bread crumbs." The little bird took the crumbs and flew out. The king of the mountain felt strange and went out: "where will the little bird go?" the little bird threw the crumbs into the water. "The little bird was the little fish that left the crumbs to the lake." The king of the mountain ran home and held a big basin. He put the little fish into the bowl and ran home. The king of the mountain said, "will you spend the winter with me in my broken house, will you?" the little bird and the little fish said, "yes."

  The king of the mountain began to bake bread. He thought, "from then on, I'd like to eat bread with little birds and little fish." The king no longer eats small animals, and he is no longer alone.

  山大王是个怪物,最喜欢吃小动物。 冬天,山大王又背上弹弓去打猎。他一只动物也没打到。

  山大王看见湖里有一条小鱼,因为别的大鱼都被山大王吃光了。山大王又看见树林里有一只小小鸟。 “算了,他太小,不吃他了吧。”山大王回到家里,摸出口袋里的半个面包。山大王哭了起来:“我多么可怜,又饿、又冷、又孤单。” 小小鸟从窗户的'破洞里飞了进来。小小鸟也哭着:“我也饿,我也冷,我也孤单。”山大王说:“别哭了,这些面包屑给你吃吧。” 小小鸟衔起面包屑,飞了出去。山大王觉得奇怪,跟了出去:“小小鸟要去哪里呢?”小小鸟把面包屑丢进水里去。 山大王这才明白:“原来,小小鸟是把面包屑留给湖里的小小鱼呀。”山大王跑回家,捧来一只大盆。他把小小鱼接进盆里,跑回家去。 山大王说:“请你们在我的破屋里,和我一起过冬天,行吗?小小鸟和小小鱼都说:“行。”




  a cock in the field for themselves and hens are in search of food. he found a piece of gem, it is baoyu said: “if it were not, but found the owner, he would very much treasure to bring up to; but found it useless. its all baoyu world, we might as well be a wheat good stars. ”

  it is said that he is the real thing to be precious




  One morning, grandpa told the rabbit rabbit defeat the true story of a rabbit family, said that when the running champion flag fall on the turtle family, the small rabbit never could resist anger in my heart, suddenly stood up and said, I want to get him back! He rushed out to the turtle house and said, "I want to run with you." "Better than that! "It's a deal! "It's just an island! It's only better than rowing." "I am a sportsman, more than anything else." The little rabbit pat on the chest, indeed the rabbit sports score is the first in the island. They each made a boat out to sea. "I'm a turtle, but I don't need a boat." The turtle kept muttering to himself. "Wait a minute, ref." "Cried the rabbit. Then grandpa rabbit came. Needless to say, he was the only judge. "Ready... The two ships started almost at the same time, and their boat sailed into the sea, when the waves surged, "not good." It was just trying to turn the bow back. But it was late, their ship was struck by the waves mercilessly...
  "Are you all right? "Good." When they woke up, they found themselves on a deserted island. There was no one on the island, but the fruit trees were much better. They found a treasure map below. "this is a treasure island. The treasure is hidden on the mountain. Let's go up the hill!" "Set off!
  They climbed up the hill and found a voice on the mountain. There were two people in front of them. "it's a bear gang, the world knows it." One of the two was as strong as an ox, and a crafty man. "It must have been for the treasure." "We will find them before them." At that time, the little turtle was lazy, and he stayed there. Suddenly, a door opened slowly behind the turtle, and the little turtle crept into it with curiosity. The inside was so dark that the rabbit chased it in. The door was closed and the hole lit up, and there was a treasure chest in front of them. The little turtle ran forward, and there was a blanket and a golden pot in the box. "what is it for?" The two men threw themselves on the blankets and sat up and said, "this blanket will fly." The blanket started slowly. "I am a blanket, and I can change any vehicle." "Screamed the rabbit." it's a treasure!"
  The bear gang is on a helicopter, chasing the turtles, "the wanghu carpet fighter." The kaleidoscope turned into a fighter jet. A missile flew to the helicopter. The helicopter shot down. What's the use of this pot?" "I am the lamp, can realize your three wishes." "We want some food." There was a lot of food in front of them. "We're going home." Soon they were back home. "We have no bad people in the world." After a while, all the bad guys disappeared. Since then the world has become more peaceful, and they have not only become good friends, but also the warriors of the world, and a magic carpet to send them to school.


  Lord Ye’s Love of the Dragon


  There is a young man, Lord Ye. He likes dragons vey much. He draws many dragons in his house. The house becomes a world of dragon.


  A red dragon hears of Lord Ye, and is deeply moved. He wants to visit Lord Ye and makes a friend with him.


  “Hi, Mr. Ye! Nice to meet you,” the real dragon comes to visit Mr. Ye.


  Ye runs away as fast as he can. “Oh, my God! Help! Help!” He runs and shouts.












  In the past, the little white rabbit's body and eyes were brown, and all the people looked down upon them, but they were very united, and there was no one in the family who did not know each other. But they were so afraid of humans that they lived in seclusion in the mountains.
  One day, people discovered them and led a group of people to surround them and catch them. It turns out that a few days ago, the village came a monster, monster command people, every year to offer tribute, otherwise, will kill the people in the village, this year, they unexpectedly found a rabbit, decided to let them do a tribute, so they go back.
  At last it was time to give the monster a tribute, two strong boys, carrying these heavy rabbits, and quickly sent them to the monster. On the way, a little rabbit came to the world and asked her mother, "mom, where are we going?" The mother did not answer, and soon they came to the monster's palace. The two young men put the offerings on the door, and they ran away.
  Monster came out at this moment, he looks terrible, with the sting of the scorpion in his head, and it has three face, a face has an eye, have three eyes and a face another face has 10 eyes! He had five hands, covered with blood, and shuddered.
  Only the newborn rabbit was not sensible, and was still happily playing around, when the monster mumbled in a terrible voice: "hungry, which one to eat first? Eat the small one first." So he reached out his hand and just wanted to catch the rabbit, and his mother suddenly stopped in front of him and said, "you can't touch my child!" The monster say: "I don't eat it what do I eat?" With that, he waved his mother to the wall, and she cried out, "eat me before you eat! Don't move my child! At this time, a robust rabbit said: "no, or eat me first! You have a good health. The monster has a kind to eat me first!" "Yes, eat me first!" Other rabbits rush to say. The monster roar way: "I nobody eat, I eat small!"
  Monster go catch a rabbit, the rabbit was afraid, loudly call mother, rabbits and other rabbits mother rushed forward, hit a monster, the monster was knocked down, and immediately stood up, snapped roared: "I'll eat you all!" "Stop!" A stern voice came out, ah! God came, he said solemnly, "you this monster, in the world for evil, see how I punish you!" With a monster down the god waved, the rabbit body turned white, his eyes became red, god delighted to say again: "the white for you have a holy heart, and red represent your solidarity."
  Then god disappeared, just as it had come.


  Cindy lived on a farm. Her father had a lot of horses. She always wanted her to have a pony of her own.

  One day, the ranch was born a pony, and it was born without a tail, otherwise it would be perfect.

  Her father told her they were going to let her take care of the pony.

  But Cindy said she didn't want to look after a pony without a tail.

  But when she took care of the other ponies, the little horse with no tail clung to her, and gradually she began to care about the pony.

  One day, in order for Cindy to ride her, her father decided to help her train her horse. He bought her a beautiful saddle and Cindy would brush her mount.

  Cindy's mother asked her what the horse was called, and she was going to call her horse, but she thought about it,

  Finally, she said, "although she has no tail, she is still a princess. So, I'll call her princess."

  After that, Cindy would ride around with the princess every day.

  The princess with no tail, grew up to be the most beautiful horse Cindy ever saw!










