
时间:2024-05-27 15:18:52 发言稿 我要投稿
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  Why integrity is important in business Good evening,ladies and gentlemen,it’s my great honor to stand here and give you a short speech.To start with, I want to ask a question. Have you ever eaten fake goodsHave you ever experienced network fraud?Have you ever heard of false accountingI think most of you will say yes.Today,my speech is why integrity is significant in business.

  In the "two sessions" period, the most popular topic is not financial issues but credit problems. "Good faith" almost become deputies and members most frequently used words.There is no doubt that China’s economy is becoming stronger and stronger.However,along with its development ,there is a potential huge problem is threatening its sustainable development.That is the integrity problem.

  Horrifying dishonesty problems are just like an devil surrounding us. We fear that the bridge may collapse which we are driving on , we fear that the house may collapse which we live in .We fear that we may be deceived when we eat outside. Fake diplomas, false accounts, false contracts, the word "fake" seems to be pervasive. From the counterfeit market to secret operations on the stock market; from black whistle on football to academic corruption;from commercial fraud to individual local government and so on.Credit crisis, credit deficiency have become the sepsis.market economy.According to the National Bureau of Statistics, because of some enterprises dishonesty, it led to direct or indirect economic losses of 500 billion yuan last year, 500 billion yuan means whathow many laid-off workers can solve! How many school children can solve! How many samll enterprises can save.

  China's economic development can not be separated from investment capital.The financing method isn’t essential but the good credit environment. Because the improvement of hard environment is not very difficult, but the construction of credit environment needs a longer process.Beijing's old brand "tongrentang , good faith management for 350 years, from a little-known household pharmary becomes the first brand of Chinese medicine. The potential credit value is obvious.

  A business will not prosper without sincerity and a person will not succeed without trust.Integrity is the top policy of life, the basis of government,even,it is the golden rule of the market economy. In the world, the jews is very rich, they are skilled in business.The secret to their success in their business lies in keeping business ethics integrity.In the minds of the jews, the contract is sacred and can not be destroyed. They have benefited a lot from it, which was a great wealth.

  A government and social environment of honesty and trustworthiness is the fundamental of investment confidence.vice versa,the environment where is a lack of credit and rampant fraud, disorder of market place, certainly will not become an investment hot spot, certainly will not become a cradle of enterprise development and growth. In the long run, the economy trauma can be calculated by money, while the lack of honesty and trustworthiness is difficult to measure with money. Only the construction of the credit government, only the construction of the credibility of the community, investment behavior and investment security can be guaranteed.

  Market economy has two eyes: one is the visible eye, namely the rule of law; the other is the invisible eye, this is the integrity. Like a beautiful girl, no matter which eye blind, full of the defects and misery!

  If we compare the business world as a battlefield,the most efficient weapon we can use is integrity and morality,Only if we use integrit to run business and build harmony business world,and as a result, both businessmen and customers will has a double win from it.


  hello everyone!

  Honesty means being honest, keeping promises, and having a sense of responsibility for yourself, others, and the collective. It is not only the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but also the minimum moral standard that each of us should achieve. Our parents and teachers often use their words and deeds to teach us: "We should be honest when we are young."

  Only when a person is honest, others will praise him, respect him, get close to him, trust him, and help him in times of difficulty. Otherwise, he will be a lonely man. Boys and girls, let's be honest. Start from every little thing around us: for example, yesterday you promised your teacher to study hard; You promised your parents to listen carefully this morning, and you must do it. Only if we all speak of honesty and always speak of honesty, the world will be full of truth, kindness and beauty, and our world will be better!

  Thank you!


  because intentions are closely related to fairness and certainly affect the degree of honesty/dishonesty, there is a wide sPad confusion about honesty--and a general belief that being dishonest means that one always correctly understands if their behavior is either honest or dishonest. self-perception of our morality is non-static and volatile. it's often at the moment we refuse to consider other perspectives that there is a clear indication we are not pursuing the truth, rather than simply and exclusively at the moment we can muster up evidence that we are right. socrates had much to say about truth, honesty and morality, and explained that if people really understood that their behavior was wrong — then they simply wouldn't do it — by definition. unfortunately, honesty in the western tradition has been marginalized to specific instances — perhaps because a thorough understanding of honesty collides with ideologies of all types. ideologies and idealism often exaggerate and supPss evidence in order to support their perspectives — at the expense of the truth. this process erodes the practice and understanding of honesty. to an ideologist the truth quite often becomes insignificant, what matters most are their ideals and what ever supports their desires to enjoy and sPad those ideals.

  human beings are inherently biased about what they believe to be good due to inpidual tastes & backgrounds, but once one understands that a decidedly biased approach to what is true — is inherently dishonest, one can also understand how idealism and ideology have poorly served the quest for an honest, moral society. both honesty and morality require that we base our opinions about what is good — upon unbiased ideas of what is true — rather than vice versa (determining what is true based on what we feel is good) — the way all ideologies would have us believe.


  hello everyone!

  Honesty is a star, the smallest star in the sky, but it strives to shine the brightest light; Honesty is a thick cup of hot tea, which comforts the tired people and refreshes the heart; Honesty is a stream, the most inconspicuous stream in the sea. However, without those small stars, there would be thousands of stars in the sky; If there were no inconspicuous streams, where would the boundless sea come from?

  In the face of temptation, I am not excited or confused by it. Although it is as plain as clouds and simple as flowing water, it makes people feel a kind of high mountains and deep seas. This is a shining character - honesty.

  The embodiment of integrity does not lie in how obvious and grand it is. It can also show the shining quality of "integrity" in a small matter.

  Honesty is in our heart. Let's take action to promote virtue, inherit tradition, combine honesty with blood, and flow in our hearts forever and ever... Come on, let's take action, let's take action, let's spread honesty throughout the world, and let the light of honesty shine in every corner of the world; It shines in everyone's heart

  thank you.


Dear teachers and students

  Honesty has been recognized as a virtue by China and even the whole mankind since ancient times. When it comes to honesty, everyone may say that honesty is easy, but how many people can keep it at a critical moment? Although the word "integrity" is very simple, we must try our best to understand it.

  Sometimes, many people will emphasize honesty, but when it comes to vital interests, they tend to forget their honesty. At this time, they are like a worthless gift.

  Honesty is the foundation of life. It is based on a noble heart and presupposes a sense of responsibility and morality. Dishonesty may cheat for a period of time, but in the long run, people's trust will be lost, which is self deception. Honesty is the most basic condition for us to be human. Now, many countries establish integrity archives for every citizen. Life is short and time is merciless. Let's use honesty to bloom brilliant flowers.

  thank you.


  Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act。 He who lies and cheats is dishonest。Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest。

  Honesty is a good virtue。 If you are honest all the time,you’ll be trusted and respected by others。 A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around。 Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth。

  However, in the tide of modity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty。 To them, among such things as health, beauty, money, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can be east away。 They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well。 I think these people areto be pitied。

  In short, honesty is gold。 Honest, your reputation will bee great;dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personality degraded。 Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing。 We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds。






  Good morning, teachers and students! Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "integrity, the most precious quality".

  First of all, I want to ask you, what is integrity? Some people say that it is very simple. Honesty is honesty and trustworthiness. It is a virtue of mankind. No matter where and in what era, honesty is a kind of morality that is valued and cherished most.

  Integrity is like a seed. As long as we work hard and sow it in everyone's heart, the society will be able to bloom beautiful flowers. Integrity is like a clear spring. As long as it flows continuously, it will nourish even the once thirsty heart. With integrity, we have a broad world; With integrity, we have a wonderful world; With integrity, we will have a better tomorrow.

  I remember a famous person once said, "I learned the most important knowledge in my life on campus, learned to return what I borrowed, learned to share what I have with others, learned to be sincere and honest." This is a very common sentence. There is no gorgeous sentence, but it shows a great truth and how much integrity plays in the growth of our life.

  Integrity is great, but integrity is not difficult. It only needs to start from hour by hour. For a very simple example, when we buy things, we often encounter that the boss changes the money wrong when he is busy. When we find too much, many people will be secretly happy and put it away. Integrity is to take the initiative to return the excess money to the seller when we encounter this situation. For another example, if you find something lost by others, don't take it for yourself, but return it to the owner. When the exam is bad, you should tell your parents realistically that you can't resort to fraud. When others ask you for advice, you will say yes or no, and you should do what you promise others.

  Students, honesty is the most precious quality. Let's be an honest and trustworthy person since childhood. As long as everyone is honest, the flower of civilization will bloom all over the society. May every student carry the boat of integrity and sail towards a bright future. May you have more friendship because of integrity, add style because of integrity, walk steadily because of integrity, and become a noble person of integrity.

  Thank you!


  Good morning, teachers and students! Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "integrity, the most precious quality".

  First of all, I want to ask you, what is integrity? Some people say that it is very simple. Honesty is honesty and trustworthiness. It is a human virtue. No matter where and in what era, honesty is a kind of morality that is valued and most cherished.

  Integrity, it is like a seed. As long as we work hard and sow it in everyone's heart, the society will be able to bloom beautiful flowers. Integrity is like a clear spring. As long as it flows continuously, it will nourish even the once thirsty heart. With integrity, we have a broad world; With integrity, we have a wonderful world; With integrity, we will have a better tomorrow.

  I remember a famous person once said, "I learned the most important knowledge in life on campus, learned to borrow things, learned to return them, learned to share what I have with others, learned to be sincere and right, and learned to be honest." this is a very common sentence. There is no gorgeous sentence, but it shows a great truth, It shows how much credit has played in the growth of our life.

  Integrity is great, but integrity is not difficult. It only needs to start from hour by hour. For example, when we buy things, we often encounter the boss who gives the wrong change when he is busy. When we find too much, many people will be secretly happy and put it away. Integrity is to take the initiative to return the excess money to the seller when we encounter this situation. For another example, if you find something lost by others, don't take it for yourself, but return it to the owner. When the exam is bad, you should tell your parents realistically, and you can't resort to fraud. When others ask you for knowledge, you will say yes or no, and you should do what you promise others.

  Students, honesty is the most precious quality. Let's be an honest and trustworthy person since childhood. As long as everyone is honest, the flower of civilization will bloom all over the society. May every student carry the boat of integrity and sail towards a bright future. May you have more friendship because of integrity, add style because of integrity, walk steadily because of integrity and become a noble person of integrity.

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  Honesty is a kind of character cultivation. As a kind of character cultivation, honesty is not a means of exchange, but a manifestation of personality.

  Honesty is our rule of life. We can have no money or power, but we can't have no honesty. We can do without glory and wealth, but we can't do without integrity. Students, when you live in the world and get along with others, don't forget the word "integrity". Because "integrity" is the foundation of being a person. Integrity is shown in all aspects, such as being honest, doing things with integrity, taking exams with integrity, etc. Only when we keep the moral bottom line of integrity, do not deceive others or ourselves when doing anything, and finish today's work, can we truly be honest and do things with integrity.

  Although we are now in the campus, we have no real contact with the society, nor can we really realize the convenience and benefits brought to us by integrity. But this is also a micro society, and we all play our own roles. Therefore, we should also strictly abide by the rule of honesty and apply it to every bit of our lives. Maybe honesty will be integrated into our blood and become a part of us imperceptibly.

  If society is a building, honesty is the foundation of the building. Without honesty, the building will collapse. In addition, honesty is also important in interpersonal communication. If you are honest, others will be honest. In this way, the group relationship will be very good, which is a process of mutual influence. People with integrity have irresistible personality charm. Everyone wants others to recognize that they depend on themselves. I believe that honesty is a must for people to recognize and rely on them. The establishment of a good interpersonal relationship will help us immeasurably in our future development. Honesty is the capital of life, because it is the yardstick of self assurance; Honesty is a moral criterion, because it enables us to trust each other and treat each other equally.

  thank you.


  good morning everybody. it is true that most of us value honesty highly. however, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities and so on. i think that we should be honest because being honest is not only beneficial to ourselves but also to others and the whole society. the reasons can be listed as follows.firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time. secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the chinese people, can make our life easier and more harmonious. thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable. a case in point is that singapore, a society featuring trustworthiness and integrity, has a comparatively low criminal rate. responsbility can be understood in many ways. for the parents , they have had the responsibility for caring for and fostering their children since the birth of their baby.for teachers,both in kindergartens and colleges,they also should be responsible for the study and life of their students,that is to say,teahers are the second parents of children somewhile. for us,as a friend of others,it is our responsibility to help our friends when they are in trouble or faced with difficulties. each one has the different responsibily based on their roles but we must take it for granted that we are responsible for the society. that is all ,thank you .


  Since the quality of honesty applies to all behaviors, one cannot refuse to consider factual information, for example, in an unbiased manner and still claim that one's knowledge, belief or position is an attempt to be truthful. such a belief is clearly a product of one's desires and simply has nothing to do with the human ability to know. basing one's positions on what one wants — rather than unbiased evidence gathering — is dishonest even when good intentions can be cited — after all even hitler could cite good intentions and intended glory for a select group of people. clearly then, an unbiased approach to the truth is a requirement of honesty.

  Because intentions are closely related to fairness and certainly affect the degree of honesty/dishonesty, there is a wide spread confusion about honesty--and a general belief that being dishonest means that one always correctly understands if their behavior is either honest or dishonest. self-perception of our morality is non-static and volatile. it's often at the moment we refuse to consider other perspectives that there is a clear indication we are not pursuing the truth, rather than simply and exclusively at the moment we can muster up evidence that we are right. socrates had much to say about truth, honesty and morality, and explained that if people really understood that their behavior was wrong — then they simply wouldn't do it — by definition. unfortunately, honesty in the western tradition has been marginalized to specific instances — perhaps because a thorough understanding of honesty collides with ideologies of all types. ideologies and idealism often exaggerate and suppress evidence in order to support their perspectives — at the expense of the truth. this process erodes the practice and understanding of honesty. to an ideologist the truth quite often becomes insignificant, what matters most are their ideals and what ever supports their desires to enjoy and spread those ideals.

  Human beings are inherently biased about what they believe to be good due to inpidual tastes & backgrounds, but once one understands that a decidedly biased approach to what is true — is inherently dishonest, one can also understand how idealism and ideology have poorly served the quest for an honest, moral society. both honesty and morality require that we base our opinions about what is good — upon unbiased ideas of what is true — rather than vice versa

  (determining what is true based on what we feel is good) — the way all ideologies would have us believe.


  hello everyone!

  The theme of our speech today is integrity. What is integrity? As the name suggests, it is honest and trustworthy!

  Towering trees stand tall and straight, relying on the silent support of deep roots in the earth; Lingyun's high-rise building has a shocking momentum, which is supported by the thick and hard foundation stone and speechless support; So, what do people rely on to support their extremely wise life? That is integrity!

  We need honesty, we call honesty, honesty is beautiful, because it brings warm sunshine to the world; Honesty is tiny. It only needs to occupy a small corner of the soul, which warms people's whole life; Integrity is like a clear spring, which makes people's heart full of purity and self-confidence, and the society full of sincerity and trust. Let's always take every detail of life seriously with a kind heart!

  Many people have heard such a story. A man named Meng Xin was very poor. He had no rice to cook and only one sick cow. One day when he was out, his nephew took the cow to the market and sold it. Meng Xin was very angry when he came back. He blamed his nephew for selling the sick cow to others, and personally found the buyer to return all the money and took back his sick cow. Through the smoke and dust of history, we clearly see that what Meng Xin tightly holds in his hand is not a sick cattle, but a healthy and noble moral rope, which introduces a person's character and cultivation into a pure holy land.

  Today, when the whole society calls for honesty, let's take high-quality service, honesty and trustworthiness as the life of the enterprise, strengthen management internally and carry out high-quality service externally. Report, install and connect electricity for customers according to the specified requirements. For customer reception service, we should "only enter one door and find one person, and we will do the rest" and truly implement the working principle of "turning from inside to outside". Our service is to greet each other with a smiling face, warm your heart with a cup of hot tea, treat each other sincerely, relieve your worries with a good deed, and send them away with a farewell, so as to satisfy every customer. Let "electric tiger" and "electric overlord" become the past forever!

  Integrity is the dazzling sunshine, its light shines on the earth; Integrity is the vast land, and its mind carries mountains and rivers; Integrity is the beautiful and magical mountains and rivers, and its magnificence purifies people's soul; Integrity is the most beautiful and holy soul. It makes people have a clear conscience and a broad mind. Let's hold the position of integrity! Let the light of integrity warm our life and let the flower of integrity bloom brilliantly in each of our lives!

  Thank you!


  Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, half a semester has passed. This week, Huilan junior middle school will usher in the mid-term exam. As we all know, learning is not for exams. But the exam is a test of the students' learning at one stage. Therefore, integrity is particularly important.

  Honesty is the basic principle of life and an important guarantee for the communication between people. There is a saying that "if you are honest with people, people will not deceive me. If you are honest with things, everything will be done." campus is a place to learn knowledge, a place to learn to be a man, and a place to shape the human soul. Therefore, cultivating the quality of honesty and trustworthiness should start from the campus. Our teenagers are the pillars of the future of the motherland and are destined to "unify the family, govern the country and level the world". Therefore, please start from me, from around you, and from small things, so as to "do what you say and do what you do", and be an honest and trusted person.

  Speaking of the integrity test, in recent years, the state has attached importance to integrity and signed the integrity agreement before the HKCEE and the college entrance examination, which requires candidates to abide by the most fundamental principle of integrity in the test process and achieve real results through their own efforts. In fact, the examination is not only to test knowledge, but also to test integrity. Integrity test is everyone's basic criterion. If you lose integrity, you lose the pass to success.

  I hope everyone can be honest and trustworthy, self-respect and self love, and do not resort to fraud. Honest examination, honest answer, be an honest person! Let the bright sunshine of integrity ignite our hearts and illuminate our life.

  My speech is over. Thank you.


  It is true that most of us value honesty highly. However, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities and so on. I think that we should be honest because being honest is not only beneficial to ourselves but also to others and the whole society. The reasons can be listed as follows.Firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time.

  Secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people, can make our life easier and more harmonious. Thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable. A case in point is that Singapore, a society featuring trustworthiness and integrity, has a comparatively low criminal rate.

  Responsbility can be understood in many ways. for the parents , they have had the responsibility for caring for and fostering their children since the birth of their baby.for teachers,both in kindergartens and colleges,they also should be responsible for the study and life of their students,that is to say,teahers are the second parents of children somewhile.

  for us,as a friend of others,it is our responsibility to help our friends when they are in trouble or faced with difficulties. each one has the different responsibily based on their roles but we must take it for granted that we are responsible for the society.

  Since the quality of honesty applies to all behaviors, one cannot refuse to consider factual information, for example, in an unbiased manner and still claim that one's knowledge, belief or position is an attempt to be truthful. Such a belie

  f is clearly a product of one's desires and simply has nothing to do with the human ability to know. Basing one's positions on what one wants — rather than unbiased evidence gathering — is dishonest even when good intentions can be cited — after all even Hitler could cite good intentions and intended glory for a select group of people. Clearly then, an unbiased approach to the truth is a requirement of honesty.

  Because intentions are closely related to fairness and certainly affect the degree of honesty/dishonesty, there is a wide spread confusion about honesty--and a general belief that being dishonest means that one ALWAYS correctly understands if their behavior is either honest or dishonest. Self-perception of our morality is non-static and volatile. It's often at the moment we refuse to consider other perspectives that there is a clear indication we are not pursuing the truth, rather than simply and exclusively at the moment we can muster up evidence that we are right. Socrates had much to say about truth, honesty and morality, and explained that if people really understood that their behavior was wrong — then they simply wouldn't do it — by definition. Unfortunately, honesty in the western tradition has been marginalized to specific instances — perhaps because a thorough understanding of honesty collides with ideologies of all types. Ideologies and idealism often exaggerate and suppress evidence in order to support their perspectives — at the eXPense of the truth. This process erodes the practice and understanding of honesty. To an ideologist the truth quite often becomes insignificant, what matters most are their ideals and what ever supports their desires to enjoy and spread those ideals.

  Human beings are inherently biased about what they believe to be good due to individual tastes & backgrounds, but once one understands that a decidedly biased approach to what is true — is inherently dishonest, one can also understand how idealism and ideology have poorly served the quest for an honest, moral society. Both honesty and morality require that we base our opinions about what is good — upon unbiased ideas of what is TRUE — rather than vice versa (determining what is true based on what we feel is good) — the way all ideologies would have us believe.


Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Life is like invisible tests. You will be tested again and again to see if you know how to behave. Everyone's words and deeds are scoring their own life answers. You should know that only by combining honesty and credit can you become a successful person.

  From this we can see that honesty is so important. How can we be an honest person? In my opinion, thought determines action, so firm will is indispensable.

  Believe that the power of integrity can turn stone into gold and touch wood into green. We advocate such a kind of honesty: raise a kind face, clap open hands, tilt your head and say: believe you. At this moment, your heart can not melt into the excitement. We yearn for such a kind of honesty: loosen the tight frown, show the smiling teeth, quickly walk to them and say: sincere congratulations. At this moment, don't you have a happy cloud flashing in your mind, paying attention to honesty, and what you gain is not only the trust of friends, but also the world you can trust. Students, let's welcome the bright sunshine together, carry a persistent true feelings, go on the road with honesty, create an honest campus, cultivate an honest style of study, and be honest students.

  thank you.





诚信无价的演讲稿 诚信无价演讲稿04-05





