SU Shi – Lyrics to the Melody of an Immortal Who Lived in a Cave
With skin like ice and bones like jade,
She perspires not looking cool and refreshed.
From the hall by the water waft breezes full of subtle scents.
Through the drawn embroidered curtains, the moon sneaks a look of her,
She hasn't retired for the night, askew are the her pillow and hairpins in her hair.
I rise to take her delicate hand, quiet is the courtyard and its environs,
A star or two the Milky Way cross between whiles.
How deep is the night, wonder I?
Approaching midnight is the time,
Moonlight pales as the northern stars low slide.
I count with my fingers when the season of westerlies would arrive,
Before I could become aware of it, lapsed has fleeting time.
忘其名,年九十岁。自言尝随其师入蜀主孟昶宫中,一日大热,蜀主与花蕊夫人夜纳凉摩诃池上,作一词,朱具能记之。今四十年,朱已死久矣,人无知此词者,但记其首两句,暇日寻味,岂《洞仙歌》令乎?乃为足之云。 冰肌玉骨,自清凉无汗。水殿风来暗香满。绣帘开,一点明月窥人,人未寝,欹枕钗横鬓乱。起来携素手,庭户无