
时间:2023-04-29 12:16:23 合同范本 我要投稿




英文合同 篇1









  第一条 本合同规定____ 年贷款额为人民币(大写)____ 万元,用于____ 。

  第二条 借款方和贷款方必须共同遵守贷款办法,有关贷款事项按办法规定办理。

  第三条 贷款自支用之日起,按实际支用数计收利息,利率为月息____ ‰,超计划贷款的超过部分利率为月息____ ‰,逾期贷款加计利息20%,挪用贷款挪用部分加罚利息50%。

  第四条 贷款方保证按照本合同的规定供应资金,贷款方如因工作差错贻误用款,以致借款方遭受损失时,应按直接经济损失,由贷款方负责赔偿。

  第五条 贷款方有权检查贷款使用情况。检查时,借款方对调阅有关文件、帐册、凭证和报表,查核物资库存和施工生产情况等,必须给予方便。

  第六条 借款方如违反合同和贷款办法的规定,贷款方有权停止贷款,提前收回部分或全部贷款。

  第七条 担保方对借款方归还贷款本息承担责任,如果借款方未按期清偿贷款本息时,担保方应在接到贷款方还款通知后一个月内负责归还。

  第八条 本合同有效期:自____ 年____ 月____ 日起,至___ _ 年____ 月____ 日为止。


  借款方:____________(盖章)________ 代表人____________

  贷款方:____________(盖章)________ 代表人____________

  担保方:____________(盖章)________ 代表人____________

  Contract Number: _____________

  BORROWER: ________________

  Address: _________________

  LENDER: __________________

  Address: _________________

  In accordance with provisions of Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and Bank of China, after reviewing the status and the request of the Borrower, the Lender agrees to grant the Borrower a line of credit on . The Borrower, Lender and Guarantor, through friendly negotiation, have executed this Contract as follows:


  1. The Currency under this loan is Reiminbi.

  2. The Line of the loan is yuan.

  3. The period of this loan is 12 months from the date of effectiveness of this contract.


  1. The purpose of this loan is used for working capital turnover.

  2. Without written approval of the Lender, the Borrower could not use the loan out of the scope of the purpose.


  1. Interest rate: The interest rate shall be [***] During the loan term, if the countrys related authority adjusted the interest rate or the manner of calculation of interest, the interest of this

英文合同 篇2












  五、付款方式:双方选择以下第 种方式支付货款的。






















  甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):

  法人代表: 法人代表:

  委托代理人: 委托代理人:

  电话: 电话:

  传真: 传真:

  开户行: 开户行:

  账号: 账号:

  签字日期:20 年__月__日 签字日期:20__年__月__日

英文合同 篇3

  合 同 Contract No.BTGL-HITACHI 20xx-01

  CONTRACT Date: March 20, 20xx

  Revised date:July 14, 20xx

  卖 方: 地址


  买 方: 地址




  Delivery time(CIF MOJI): After the order in effect via seafreight direct to MOJI seaport in JAPAN, and arriving at MOJI seaport on or before: 30th August 20xx. 最终目的地:

  Final destination of Products: 794, Higashitoyoi, Kudamatsu City, Yamaguchi Pref., 744-8061 Japan (6)付款条件: 凭证结算,30天内(以提单日期为准)付清货款。 Term of payment: By D/P within 30 days after the B/L date. The seller’s bank information

  Beneficiary: Bank Name: ACCOUNT: SWIFT NO.: ADD.:

  Contract No.BTGL-HITACHI 20xx-001 Date: March 20, 20xx The revised date:July 14, 20xx

  (7) 保险: 按发票金额110%保一切险及战争险(中国人民保险公司条款)。

  Insurance : To be covered by the seller for 110% of invoice value against all risks and war risk as per the clause of

  the People’ Insurance Co. of China.

  (8) 品质与数量,重量的异议与索赔: 货到最终目的地后, 买方如发现货物品质及/货数量/重量与合同规定不符,除属于 保险公司货船公司的责任外,买方可以凭双方同意的检验机构出具的.检验证明向卖方提出异议,品质异议须于货 到最终目的地起60天内提出,数量/重量异议须于货到最终目的地起30天内提出。

  Quality /Quantity/Weight Discrepancy and Claim: In case the quality and /or quantity/weight are found by the Buyer not to

  conform with the contract after arrival of the goods at the final destination, the Buyer may lodge a claim against the seller supported by a survey report issued by an inspection organization agreed upon by both parties with the exception of those claims for which the insurance company and /or the shipping company are to be held responsible. Claim for quality discrepancy should be filed by the Buyer within 60 days after arrival of the goods at the final destination while for quantity

  / weight discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after arrival of the goods at the final destination.

  (9) 人力不可抗拒: 本合同内所述全部或部分商品,如因人力不可抗拒原因,使卖方不能履约或延期交货,卖方不负


  Force Majeure: The Seller shall not be held responsible for failure or delay in delivery of the entire or portion of the goods

  under this contract in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents.

  (10) 仲裁:凡执行本合同或与合同有关事项所发生的一切争执,应由双方通过友好方式协商解决。如果不能取得协 议时,应提交中国国际贸易促进会委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会,根据该仲裁委员会的仲裁程序暂行规定进行仲 裁,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。仲裁费用除非仲裁另有决定外,均由败诉一方承担。

  Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly

  negotiations. If no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Beijing, for settlement by arbitration in accordance with the Commission’s Provisional Rules of Procedure. The award rendered by the Commission shall be final and binding on both parties. The arbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise award by the arbitration organization.

  (11) Other requirements:

  1, Dimensions and marks as per the drawing respectively.

  2, How to take test sample as per manufactory way..

  3, Additional requirements as per requirements in each drawing.

  4,Other conditions to IP-5403& LOI No.DVD-83005-001

  (12) The buyer’s bank information:




英文合同 篇4

  Advertising Agreement

  PART A: General Terms and Provisions

  This Advertising Insertion Order ("Agreement") is a contract between Advertiser and OOO.com and hereafter referred to as "OOO", for the placement of Advertiser's advertisement(s) on the Website. All contracts are approved and accepted in the jurisdiction of British Columbia, Canada. By signing "I have read and agree to the terms" of this Agreement, and for good and sufficient consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Advertiser makes the following warranties and representations to OOO and its licensors, licensees, successors and assigns, and agrees to be strictly bound by the following general terms and provisions.

  1. Advertiser's Assurances. Advertiser hereby represents and warrants that Advertiser (a) is 18 years of age or older; (b) has read, understood, and agrees to be bound by all terms of this Agreement, front and back; and (c) owns, controls and is duly authorized to grant the rights and permissions which are granted below.

  2. Advertiser Content. Advertiser hereby warrants and represents that all words, images, sounds and/or other matter provided by Advertiser for use in connection with

  Advertiser's advertisements on the Website ("Advertiser Content") are owned wholly and solely by Advertiser, are lawful, accurate and authentic, depict the name (whether given or assumed), image, likeness, voice, signature, personality or other characteristics of Advertiser only and no other person, and may be freely used without risk of liability for any purpose contemplated under this Agreement, including but not limited to liability for obscenity, defamation, invasion of privacy, infringement of copyright, trademark, or right of publicity, or otherwise.

  3. Advertising Guidelines. Advertiser represents, warrants, acknowledges and agrees as follows: (a) OOO do not engage in, or provide advertising for any illegal activities of any kind, including but not limited to solicitation of prostitution and/or

  prostitution; (b) OOO shall enjoy the right to rescind this Agreement and remove Advertiser's advertising from the Website without refund or further obligation in the event that OOO determines that Advertiser is in breach of any term of this Agreement or the OOO Advertising Guidelines, including but not limited to a determination that Advertiser has used the advertising in connection with any illegal activities of any kind.

  4. Advertising Policies. All contracts and advertising subscriptions are deemed as transacted in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. Advertiser acknowledges and agrees as follows: OOO enjoys the right to decline or remove Advertiser's

  advertisement(s), or any portion thereof, from the Website if, in the sole discretion of OOO, Advertiser's advertisement(s) is in violation of the OOO Advertising Guidelines or is deemed otherwise inappropriate.

  6. Arbitration. If any dispute shall arise between Advertiser and OOO regarding any aspect of this Agreement, such disputes shall be referred to binding private arbitration in the Province of British Columbia, Canada, and any arbitration award shall be fully enforceable as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction.

  Picture Agreement

  For and in consideration of my advertising with OOO, I hereby grant to you, your assigns, licensees and legal representatives, and their assigns and licensees, including, without limitation, those for whom you are acting, and those acting with your authority and permission, the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to copyright and use, all photographs of me or in which I may be included, whether in whole or in part, through my mutual consent. This grant shall also include the right to change or alter, from time to time, all such photographs, for the purpose of advertising both in print and on the Internet.

  I hereby warrant and represent that I am of full age, 18 years or older, and have every right to contract in my own name with respect to the above. I hereby also warrant and represent that the pictures are that of myself and at the time of the picture I was

  fully over the age of 18 years, and have every right to contract in my own name with respect to the above

  I further represent that I have read this release and the terms thereof, prior to its execution and that I am fully familiar with the contents thereof.




  Legal Name ________________________________________ (please print) OOO Escort Name __________________________________ (please print)

  Legal Signature _____________________________________ OOO City / Phone Number ____________________________ (please print)

  PART B: Advertising Information

  Please print when filling out the form.

  Name: (The name you wish it advertise with)

  City: The city you will be based in. (please circle one)

  New York Los Angeles San Francisco Las Vegas Denver Seattle

  Chicago Dallas Boston Miami Toronto Vancouver

  Categories: The category you would like to list your ad in. (please circle one):

  Blonde Brunette Redhead Fetish

  Description: You get 25 words so make them memorable!

  Contact information: We require either a phone number and/or an email address as valid pieces of contact information for your ad. We will be more than happy to also include a link to your website on your ad; all we ask is that you place our banner on your website!

  Phone: (optional)

  Email: (optional)

  Website: (optional)

  Photos: The photos you would like to use on your ad. You can email your photos to [email protected], or send in physical copies with this advertising agreement. If you decide to email your photos please include your Escort Name and City in the subject line of the email.



  000 - 000 Blundell Rd. Suite #000

  Richmond, BC

  V6Y 1K3



英文合同 篇5


  Cooperation Agreement


  Contract No.:签订地点:西安

  Signing place of contract: Xi’an


  Party A and Party B agree to sign the cooperation contract on producing of solar panels, and that Party A introduces buyers for Party B, for mutual benefits in conditions as follows:


  Cooperative Content


  To conclude the below contents of cooperation according to negotiations between two parties:

  (1) 甲方介绍、协助和促成乙方与 签订生产 买卖合同;价格为,总价格为。

  Party A authorizes Party B to produce for .The unit price

  is, in sum .

  (2) 甲方应认真与其推荐的客户进行联络,介绍并推广乙方的产品,并为乙方与客户的沟通、谈判、商务运作等相关商务活动提供商业咨询服务,最终促成乙方与采购商签订买卖合同;

  On behalf of Party B, Party A is responsible to contact with, introduce Party B's products to and operate related business activities with, promote signing contract between party B and.

  (3) 如果在采购合同执行过程中,由于甲方客户方面的不当,发生问题,在乙方的要求下,甲方有义务进行协调解决执行合同的问题;并要求甲方


  In the process of execution purchase contract, when has

  undeserved problems, party A has duty to coordinate solving problems. When party B do not perform under the terms of contract well , Party A has right to require Party B executing terms of purchase contract.


  Responsibilities, Rights and Obligations


  Party A's responsibility, rights and obligations:

  A. 甲方负责与其推荐的客户进行联络、介绍并推广乙方的产品,并协助乙方对客户的沟通、谈判、商务运作等相关商务活动,最终能达成乙方与


  On behalf of Party B, Party A is responsible to contact with , introduce Party B's products toand operate related business activities with ,promote signing contract between party B and .

  B. 如果在乙方签订的买卖合同执行过程中,由于甲方客户方面的原因而产生的问题,在乙方的要求下,甲方有义务进行协调解决执行合同的问题;



  In the process of execution purchase contract, when has undeserved problems, party A has duty to coordinate solving problems. When party B do not perform under the terms of contract well, Party A has right to require Party B executing terms of purchase contract.

  C. 乙方与客户的买卖合同签订后,按照其合同约定履行。任何一方出现违约行为,甲方应予以积极协调解决,但甲方不承担对任何一方的任何担


  After signing purchase contract, no matter party B or broken, Party A will coordinate solving problems. Except commitment, Party

  A will not have warranty and other legal responsibility for any one side.


  Party B's responsibilities, rights and obligations:


  Party B should guarantee and be whole responsibility to quality and quantity of solar panels.



  (1) 乙方提供甲方的咨询费,组件数量以乙方与签订的买卖合同为依据,以实际供货量为结算数量,共计。如果乙方供货量没有达到合


  Party B pays Party A commission as , in sum, but the final commission amount will be subject to the actual quantity based on the sales contract. If the party B have not provided according to the sales contract, then the party B have right to re-negotiate the consulting fee.yiyi

  (2) 在乙方收到客户合同内规定的货柜的全款额后,通知甲方,甲方开具正规商业发票,乙方收到发票后15个工作日内支付相应货柜的咨询费。 Part B must inform Part A when receiving sum contract amount of specific container goods from the customer, and Part A should make out the standard commercial invoice. Part B must pay for the entire consulting fee of corresponding container after receiving the invoice within 15 working days.

  (3)若甲方未能促成 公司与乙方签署买卖合同,甲方无权要求乙方支付


  If the Party A is unable to cause the signed contract between the Party

  B and company, the Party A is not entitled to claim any

  remuneration or fee.


  Information of Party A designated bank account as below:


  Liability for Breach


  If any party is unable to perform this agreement and caused the loss of the other party, the victim has the right to ask for the corresponding compensation.


  Assignment and confidentiality


  Without the agreement of the other party, the responsibility and obligation of this cooperation agreement should not be transferred to third



英文合同 篇6

  courtesy of Peter B. Finn, ESQ, Senior Partner, Rubin and Rudman LLP (), .


  , 200_ (the "Effective Date") by and between XYZ Corporation, a ______________ corporation duly organized under law and having an usual place of business at _______________________(hereinafter referred to as the “Company") and (hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant").

  WHEREAS, the Company wishes to engage the Consultant to provide the services described herein and Consultant agrees to provide the services for the compensation and otherwise in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement,

  NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, accepted and agreed to, the Company and the Consultant, intending to be legally bound, agree to the terms set forth below.

  1. TERM. Commencing as of the Effective Date, and continuing for a period of ____ (__) years (the “Term”), unless earlier terminated pursuant to Article 4 hereof, the Consultant agrees that he/she will serve as a consultant to the Company. This Agreement may be renewed or extended for any period as may be agreed by the parties.


  (a) the “Duties” or “Services”).

  (b) Consultant agrees that during the Term he/she will devote up to ____ (__) days per month to his/her Duties. The Company will periodically provide the Consultant with a schedule of the requested hours, responsibilities and deliverables for the applicable period of time. The Duties will be scheduled on an as-needed basis.

  (c) The Consultant represents and warrants to the Company that he/she is under no contractual or other restrictions or obligations which are inconsistent with the execution of this Agreement, or which will interfere with the performance of his/her Duties. Consultant represents

  courtesy of Peter B. Finn, ESQ, Senior Partner, Rubin and Rudman LLP (), .

  and warrants that the execution and performance of this Agreement will not violate any policies or procedures of any other person or entity for which he/she performs Services concurrently with those performed herein.

  (d) In performing the Services, Consultant shall comply, to the best of his/her knowledge, with all business conduct, regulatory and health and safety guidelines established by the Company for any governmental authority with respect to the Company’s business.


  (a) Subject to the provisions hereof, the Company shall pay Consultant a consulting ($______) Dollars for each hour of Services provided to the Company (the ting form, a listing of his/her hours, the Duties performed and a summary of his/her activities. The Consulting Fee shall be paid within fifteen (15) days of the Company’s receipt of the report and invoice.

  (b) Consultant shall be entitled to prompt reimbursement for all pre-approved expenses incurred in the performance of his/her Duties, upon submission and approval of written statements and receipts in accordance with the then regular procedures of the Company.

  (c) The Consultant agrees that all Services will be rendered by him/her as an independent contractor and that this Agreement does not create an employer-employee relationship between the Consultant and the Company. The Consultant shall have no right to receive any employee benefits including, but not limited to, health and accident insurance, life insurance, sick leave and/or vacation. Consultant agrees to pay all taxes including, self-employment taxes due in respect of the Consulting Fee and to indemnify the Company in the event the Company is required to pay any such taxes on behalf of the Consultant.


  (a) If the Consultant voluntarily ceases performing his/her Duties, becomes physically or mentally unable to perform his/her Duties, or is terminated for cause, then, in each instance, the Consulting Fee shall cease and terminate as of such date. Any termination “For Cause” shall be made in good faith by the Company’s Board of Directors.

  (b) This Agreement may be terminated without cause by either party upon not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice by either party to the other.

  (c) Upon termination under Sections 4(a) or 4(b), neither party shall have any further obligations under this Agreement, except for the obligations which by their terms survive this termination as noted in Section 16 hereof. Upon termination and, in any case, upon the

  courtesy of Peter B. Finn, ESQ, Senior Partner, Rubin and Rudman LLP (), .

  Company’s request, the Consultant shall return immediately to the Company all Confidential Information, as hereinafter defined, and copies thereof.

  5. RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES. During the Term and for a period of one (1) year thereafter, Consultant will not, directly or indirectly:

  (i) solicit or request any employee of or consultant to the Company to leave

  the employ of or cease consulting for the Company;

  (ii) solicit or request any employee of or consultant to the Company to join the

  employ of, or begin consulting for, any individual or entity that researches,

  develops, markets or sells products that compete with those of the Company;

  (iii) solicit or request any individual or entity that researches, develops,

  markets or sells products that compete with those of the Company, to employ or

  retain as a consultant any employee or consultant of the Company; or

  (iv) induce or attempt to induce any supplier or vendor of the Company to

  terminate or breach any written or oral agreement or understanding with the



  (a) For the purposes of this Article 6, the terms set forth below shall have the following meanings:

  (i) to Consultant or which are first developed by Consultant during the course of the performance of Services hereunder and which relate to the Company' present, past or prospective business activities, services, and products, all of which shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the Company. The Consultant shall have no publication rights and all of the same shall belong exclusively to the Company.

  (ii) For the purposes of this Agreement,

  Confidential Information shall mean and collectively include: all information relating to the business, plans and/or technology of the Company including, but not limited to technical information including inventions, methods, plans, processes, specifications, characteristics, assays, raw data, scientific preclinical or clinical data, records, databases, formulations, clinical protocols, equipment design, know-how, experience, and trade secrets; developmental, marketing, sales, customer, supplier, consulting relationship information, operating, performance, and cost information; computer programming techniques whether in tangible or intangible form, and all record bearing media

  courtesy of Peter B. Finn, ESQ, Senior Partner, Rubin and Rudman LLP (), .

  containing or disclosing the foregoing information and techniques including, written business plans, patents and patent applications, grant applications, notes, and memoranda, whether in writing or presented, stored or maintained in or by electronic, magnetic, or other means.

  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term “Confidential Information” shall not

  include any information which: (a) can be demonstrated to have been in the public domain or was publicly known or available prior to the date of the disclosure to Consultant; (b) can be demonstrated in writing to have been rightfully in the possession of Consultant prior to the disclosure of such information to Consultant by the Company; (c) becomes part of the public domain or publicly known or available by publication or otherwise, not due to any unauthorized act or omission on the part of Consultant; or (d) is supplied to Consultant by a third party without binder of secrecy, so long as that such third party has no obligation to the Company or any of its affiliated companies to maintain such information in confidence.

  (b) Except as required by Consultant's Duties, Consultant shall not, at any time now or in the future, directly or indirectly, use, publish, disseminate or otherwise disclose any Confidential Information, Concepts, or Ideas to any third party without the prior written consent of the Company which consent may be denied in each instance and all of the same, together with publication rights, shall belong exclusively to the Company.

  (c) All documents, diskettes, tapes, procedural manuals, guides, specifications, plans, drawings, designs and similar materials, lists of present, past or prospective customers, customer proposals, invitations to submit proposals, price lists and data relating to the pricing of the Company' products and services, records, notebooks and all other materials containing Confidential Information or information about Concepts or Ideas (including all copies and reproductions thereof), that come into Consultant's possession or control by reason of Consultant's performance of the relationship, whether prepared by Consultant or others: (a) are the property of the Company, (b) will not be used by Consultant in any way other than in connection with the performance of his/her Duties, (c) will not be provided or shown to any third party by Consultant, (d) will not be removed from the Company's or Consultant’s premises (except as Consultant's Duties require), and (e) at the termination (for whatever reason), of Consultant's relationship with the Company, will be left with, or forthwith returned by Consultant to the Company.

  (d) The Consultant agrees that the Company is and shall remain the exclusive owner of the Confidential Information and Concepts and Ideas. Any interest in patents, patent applications, inventions, technological innovations, trade names, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, copyrightable works, developments, discoveries, designs, processes, formulas,

  courtesy of Peter B. Finn, ESQ, Senior Partner, Rubin and Rudman LLP (), .

  know-how, data and analysis, whether registrable or not ("Developments"), which Consultant, as a result of rendering Services to the Company under this Agreement, may conceive or develop, shall: (i) forthwith be brought to the attention of the Company by Consultant and (ii) belong exclusively to the Company. No license or conveyance of any such rights to the Consultant is granted or implied under this Agreement.

  (e) The Consultant hereby assigns and, to the extent any such assignment cannot be made at present, hereby agrees to assign to the Company, without further compensation, all of his/her right, title and interest in and to all Concepts, Ideas, and Developments. The Consultant will execute all documents and perform all lawful acts which the Company considers necessary or advisable to secure its rights hereunder and to carry out the intent of this Agreement.

  7. EQUITABLE RELIEF. Consultant agrees that any breach of Articles 5 and 6 above by him/her would cause irreparable damage to the Company and that, in the event of such breach, the Company shall have, in addition to any and all remedies of law, the right to an injunction, specific performance or other equitable relief to prevent the violation or threatened violation of Consultant's obligations hereunder.

  8. WAIVER. Any waiver by the Company of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision hereof. All waivers by the Company shall be in writing.

  9. SEVERABILITY; REFORMATION. In case any one or more of the provisions or parts of a provision contained in this Agreement shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision or part of a provision of this Agreement; and this Agreement shall, to the fullest extent lawful, be reformed and construed as if such invalid or illegal or unenforceable provision, or part of a provision, had never been contained herein, and such provision or part reformed so that it would be valid, legal and enforceable to the maximum extent possible. Without limiting the foregoing, if any provision (or part of provision) contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be excessively broad as to duration, activity or subject, it shall be construed by limiting and reducing it, so as to be enforceable to the fullest extent compatible with then existing applicable law.

  10. ASSIGNMENT. The Company shall have the right to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a party which assumes the Company' obligations hereunder. Consultant shall not have the right to assign his/her rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Company. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Consultant's heirs and legal representatives in the event of his/her death or disability.










