
时间:2024-02-05 16:26:32 慰问信 我要投稿
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  Dear Mrs. Corbin,I was so sorry to learn of your illness. You must hurry and get well!Everybody in the neighborhood misses you, and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon.Mr. Burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery.

  Sincerely yours,Mary Burke


  dear john,i am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and now are in hospital. i get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes. do be careful while you are ill.don’t worry about your lesson and i am willing to help you learn it when you return. we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind.you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the time and forget your pains while you recuperate. i do hope that i can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons.if there is anything you need me to do, just let me know. we all miss you and shall be happy when you are back.

  your truly,li ming


  18 Chengtu Road

  May 12, 1999

  My dear Harold,I have just received your letter telling me of your recent marriage. This happy event in your life prompts me to reply at once; and, in my own peculiar way , to attempt to offer you my hearty congratulations and good wishes.

  Sometimes the question is asked: “Who is to be congratulated more, the Lady or the Gentleman?” In this case I would unhesitatingly answer both. There is an ol d sa ying: “True marriages are made in Heaven.” I hope this is so in your case, and consequently, there will be on looking?back with regret for either of you.

  Before going further, please let me sincerely wish that Peace, Health, Happiness , and Prosperity may attend both your wife and yourself until the end. And now w hat can I or shall I say further? You know I have not as yet had much experience in hymeneal affairs, but I am a student; hence I read and observe, a nd endeavour to bring reason to bear upon earthly problems. It seems to me that co nnubial bliss, excellent and essential , is by no means the only requirement. Th ere is the great question of parentage. In this connection, I think it imperativ e that the character and physique of both father and mother should be as perfect as possible for scientific authorities assert that sons partake of the individu ality of the father , and daughters that of the mother. I must say no more , or you will conclude that I am a scientific man before my time.

  With renewed good wishes, and kindest regards to you and your spouse.

  Believe me,Yours very sincerely,



  我是中国X X中学的学生。我叫xx。当我从电视上得知哥伦比亚号航天飞机在重返大气层时解体,七名宇航员丧生时,我感到非常悲痛。你失去了你可爱的儿子和女儿。你一定很难过。然而,你也必须为你的'孩子感到骄傲,因为他们为太空项目做出了巨大的贡献。所以请克制自己的悲伤。





  Dear Tom,I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days, I’m certainly relieved to know that!In the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from Margaret and me. I hope you like it, and that it will help to pathe time more pleasantly.

  With every good wish for your swift recovery.



  Dear Amy,I’m Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School of China. I’m sorry to hear that you got the lung cancer which brought you great pain. But you should realize that you are young and have a promising great future.

  So, stand up and fight against the disease! I’m sure you will win. It is reported that the America anti-cancer association will donate three cents upon every comfort letter you receive.So I will tell your situation to all my friends and ask them to write to you. In that way, you will get enough money for you to be cured. Hope you can be well soon.

  Yours,Li Hua


  dear john,get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a monthfrom the classes. do be careful while you are ill.don’t worry about your lesson and i am willing to help you learn it whenyou return. we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind.you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the timeand you some funny cartoons.be happy when you are back.

  your truly,li ming


  dear james, in today’s newspaper, i read about the recent events in yourtown and i am writing to extend my deepest condolences.

  it poke my heart to see all those pictures of those whose homes have beendestroyed in the tragic hurricane. i couldn’t believe my eyes when i saw alittle girl crying on the roof of her house asking for help. i am really worriedabout you and your family, and all your friends there. i am crossing my fingersfor you now in hopes that you are all safe and sound.

  i can only imagine how difficult this time must be for you, and i want toextend to you my unwavering support. our government and many nongovernmental organizations are initiating various campaigns to urge people to donatemoney and necessary things to send to america. i donated all my allowance that ihave been saving for years.i feel extremely sorry for this tragedy, and i will be looking forward tohearing from you. please pass my concern on to your parents.

  yours sincerely,meng fei



  Dear Mr. Thompson,I was extremely sorry to hear of the fire that destroyed your beautiful house. I know well how much that house meant to you and I hasten to offer my sympathy.

  With best wishes to you both.

  Sincerely yours,Smith




