学习计划 Study Plan

时间:2024-02-21 07:14:47 学习计划 我要投稿
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学习计划 Study Plan

  时间过得太快,让人猝不及防,我们又将续写新的诗篇,展开新的旅程,写好计划才不会让我们努力的时候迷失方向哦。相信大家又在为写计划犯愁了吧?以下是小编为大家收集的学习计划 Study Plan,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

学习计划 Study Plan

  At the beginningof this term, I made a plan for my study. Now, I find that I carry it out wellin the past month. I was poor in Chinese and English last semester. Therefore, Iput the two subjects in the priority and I spent much time on them. Happily, I madeprogress in the two subjects this semester. Besides, math and physics is not sohard for me, but I must do many exercises to improve my knowledge. Half of anhour for each is necessary and I have always been doing so.

  The other subjectsare easy for me. As long as I carefully listen to the teacher in the class anddo some reviews, I can do well in them. While, it does not mean that I attachno importance to them. I make plan for my study to ensure the efficiency of mystudy.

